Jiu Jitsu was originally designed as means for unarmored and unarmed or lightly armed combatants to take on heavily armored, armed opponents. As such, Jiu Jitsu focused mostly on non-striking techniques, such as joint locks, throws, and pinning. Utilizing these types of attacks allowed Jiu Jitsu's practitioners to effectively take on opponents who traditional thinking would have been ascribed as holding a significant tactical advantage.
Times have changed, Jiu Jitsu has kept pace. One of the most significant developments in the art throughout the years is the incorporation of strikes into the art. The emphasis is still placed on non-striking techniques, however, often using an opponent's own body against them. A practitioner of modern Jiu Jitsu will often try to take an opponent to the ground as quickly as possible, where they can quickly execute any number of pins, locks, or chokes to swiftly end an altercation in their favor.