
     Jeff Dunner was a linebacker at MTSU when he began his martial arts training.  He is a second degree black belt in Jiu Jitsu, Tang Soo Do, and Judo.  He has experience in boxing, Kali (stick and knife fighting), Woshu Kung Fu, Wing Chun Kung Fu, and Capoeira.  Jeff Dunner is a professor at MTSU, teaching Karate and self defense.
     Dunner's Martial Arts Academy was founded in 2010.  The school teaches MMA, Tang Soo Do, Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira, and general sports conditioning.  In the time since its founding, it has trained students who have competed in regional and world tournaments.  It is the only school in Tennessee associated with the World Tang Soo Do Association and the only school in Middle Tennessee to practice Capoeira Maculelê.